Casper Cloaking Window Film for Nevada Businesses

Privacy in today’s work spaces is a rare commodity these days. All things digital are on display, in every area of the office.  Sensitive content you don’t want to be shared like payroll information,  HR documents, private messages or client information– is easily viewable on computer screens.  Here at Las Vegas Window Film,  we are proud to offer Casper Cloaking Window Film to Las Vegas businesses seeking an innovative privacy solution for their most private areas. By obstructing LED signaling, Casper Cloaking Window Films obscures projector and computer screen contents, keeping communications private and secure.

Technology Friendly Window Film

Your clients and employees trust you to keep information like social security numbers, payroll information, and bank account numbers confidential. There are also times when your business needs to communicate matters to a select group of people–not the whole office via screens. With Casper Cloaking Window Film, you can handily control who sees what and where in your office–by obscuring screens through windows. Created by the innovative minds at Designtex, Casper Cloaking Film offers an innovative way to keep digital content and confidential information cloaked on screens through glass. Casper Cloaking Window Films block LED light, making digital screens appear black from behind the glass with film applied. This means those in your meeting can see the information you’re sharing, but no one outside the room. 

Features of Casper Cloaking Film

Glass walls are lovely features in offices, and encourage collaboration, transparency, and communication. However, the downside is that they make it difficult to get privacy. Privacy is something any space simply can’t do without. With Casper Cloaking Window Film, you get the privacy you need while keeping your business running efficiently.

  • Obstructs only LED light, maintaining optimal brightness
  • Prevents contact information, messages, and data from falling into the wrong hands
  • Instills trust in employees and clients and provides comfort

Get a Quote on Window Film Solutions 

For solutions to almost any problem, you may have in your Las Vegas home or business relating to your windows and the sun–work with us!  Here at Las Vegas Window Film, we have the largest selection of film and tint products in Las Vegas.  Not only do we serve Las Vegas but also the surrounding area of Summerlin South, Spring Valley, Henderson, Enterprise, Paradise Boulder City, and Whitney.  Contact us today for a free, onsite consultation!