Residential Window Tint for Fade Protection in Las Vegas

If you are like most people you have invested a lot of money in your home furnishings. This includes wood floors, furniture, artwork, tapestry, and upholstery. These belongings are vulnerable from damage due to intense rays from the Las Vegas sun. UV blocking window films are perfect for preserving the condition of any of your furnishings–saving them from deteriorating and losing their vibrancy. These films do this by blocking out 99.9% of UV radiation and providing solar protection equivalent to an SPF 1000!

Fade Protection Benefits of UV Blocking Window Tint

Window tint keeps your home looking beautiful and vibrant by protecting it from UV radiation. UV protection film can help preserve the vibrancy and life expectancy of many items in your home including:

  • Wood floors, rugs, and carpets
  • Indoor window coverings
  • Artwork, pottery, and antiques
  • Sofas, couches, and other furniture

Health Benefits of UV Protection Window Tinting

Window tinting doesn’t just protect furnishings in your Las Vegas homes either. In fact, In addition to keeping your furnishings safe from UV radiation, it also keeps you and your family safe. Numerous studies have been conducted that show the connection between UV exposure and cancer, heart disease, and eye disease. Installing window tint on your Las Vegas residence will limit your family’s exposure to UV radiation–keeping them safe and healthy. In fact, The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends installing window film as part of a cancer avoidance routine.

Get a Quote on UV Blocking Window Tint

To learn more about our extensive selection of window films here at Las Vegas Window Film and how they will keep you and your family safer from UV–contact us today! We are always happy to consult with you free of charge on your project. From security films to UV blocking films and anti-graffiti films to films to change the appearance of the exterior of your building–we are able to guide you through them all!