It would be nice if we lived in a world where we didn’t have to worry about violence. Unfortunately, this is not the case, even if we forget it as we go about our daily lives. Violence happens even in the safest of neighborhoods and occurs in many forms and degrees, ranging from anonymous bomb threats in schools to mass shootings at concert venues, churches, and airports.

That’s why, as a commercial property owner, it’s best to be on your guard. You should prepare for the worst because you never know what tomorrow may hold. That’s why so many property owners today are investing in bullet resistance window film.

Below, we’ve discussed bullet resistance window films in detail and how they protect Las Vegas properties.

What Is “Bullet Resistance” Window Film?

Bullet resistance window film, otherwise known as ballistic resistant window film, is a system made of a specialized primer and multiple layers of heavy duty security window film. Its main purpose is to protect people during shootings, though it can also be helpful in other situations like break-ins and severe storms.

Essentially, what these systems do is improve the strength of glass so that it doesn’t shatter as easily. First, the primer (we use one called C-Bond) is applied to the glass. This primer alters the molecular structure of the glass, filling in holes and eradicating imperfections. Then, window film is layered on top along with another layer of primer. This process of layering film and primer is done over and over until the system is complete.

For more details on product specifications, check out this brochure: C-Bond-System-Performance-Guide-Las-Vegas-bullet-resistance-film

Bulletproof Vs. Bullet Resistant

It’s important to know that these window films are not magic. Any window, when shot at enough times, will eventually break. Rather, they resist breaking when the first shot is fired. Hence, the name “bullet resistance”. This delay gives occupants inside the school or building more time to get to a safe place. And it gives the police more time to get there so they can do their job.

Where to Get It

You can get bullet resistance window film from a window tinting contractor that sells C-Bond primer, like us.

If you are interested in installing bullet resistance window film for your Las Vegas property, please do not hesitate to reach out. We will be happy to help you book an appointment!