When you grow up in a place like Las Vegas that’s located in a desert environment, you become well aware of the importance of having good sun protection for your skin. If you don’t put on sunscreen when you go outside, there’s not only a good chance that you’ll end up with a sunburn, but you also increase your skin cancer risk. But what you may not realize is that you need sun protection indoors too, not just outside. That’s why you should consider window film with UV protection for your Las Vegas home.


What Is Window Film with UV Protection?

UV protection window film is a type of specialized laminated designed to block out ultraviolet frequencies. Manufacturers design them to be spectrally selective, which allows them to control which types of the electromagnetic frequencies are able to pass through glass. You can think of them as a sort of screen or barrier that specifically targets and filters out unwanted radiation. UV rays are reflected away from the film while visible light is allowed to pass through.


Reasons to Consider UV Protection Window Film

You may think that you’re safe from UV light as long as you’re inside. But this isn’t actually the case. Your windows provide ample opportunity for UV rays to get into your home. That’s why you need window film with UV protection for your Las Vegas home.

UV blocking window film provides homeowners with numerous benefits including:

  • Reduced risk of skin cancer
  • Makes furniture last longer and prevents fading
  • Keeps hardwood floors looking their best
  • Preserves the vibrancy of paint and dyes
  • Protects other aspects of your health, including your eyes and immune system


Learn More About the Benefits of Window Film with UV Protection

Call our team today to learn more about UV protection window film for your Las Vegas home.